20th Anniversary
Celebrating 20 Years of the MD PnP Program
What does it take to seed and start a new vision?
We asked ourselves this question in 2004 and have since then been working on the development of a new area in health tech. Our community has grown exponentially with like-minded thinkers and continues to expand. We offer our deepest gratitude to all who have participated.
Virtually Join our celebration on Thursday, June 6th
Events details coming soon. In the meantime, check out how far we’ve come in our timeline below!
Kickoff meeting for MD PnP program, evolved out of the MGH/CIMIT OR of the Future, hosted by CIMIT in Cambridge, MA
The program receives its first research grant, from CIMIT under a CDMRP grant
2nd Plenary Meeting, hosted by FDA/CDRH in Rockville, MD, where the importance of basing solutions on clinical scenarios use cases and requirements is emphasized
3rd Plenary Meeting hosted by CIMIT in Cambridge, MA
MD PnP lab is opened at 65 Landsdowne St, Cambridge, providing a collaborative space to support projects, testing, and prototyping work
Award from the Global Harmonization Task Force for poster presentation, “The OR-Fusion Project: Towards an Open Platform Concept for Networked Medical Devices”
First research grant from TATRC (Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center)/DoD
First educational exhibit demonstrated synchronization of an x-ray ventilator to improve image quality, held at ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) Annual Meeting
Technology demo on 1) PCA Safety and 2) bed tilt / automated blood pressure offset correction with University of NH at HIMSS07 (Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society Annual Conference)
The first society endorsement of medical device interoperability: Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
1st joint MD PnP Program / HCMDSS Workshop: “Improving Patient Safety through Medical Device Interoperability and High Confidence Software” held in Cambridge, MA, jointly sponsored by NSF & TATRC
Scientific exhibit at ASA Annual Meeting: Improving the Safety of PCA Opioid Infusions by Integrating Patient Monitors and Infusion Pumps”
MD PnP team is recognized with the CIMIT Edward M Kennedy award for Healthcare Innovation
Society endorsements of medical device interoperability: Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists, Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA), American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS)
Scientific exhibit at ASA Annual Meeting: MD PnP release of MD FIRE “Medical Device Free Interoperability Requirements for the Enterprise”: sample RFP and contracting language requirements to promote the adoption of fully interoperable medical devices and systems in support of patient safety
2nd Joint Workshop on HCMDSS and MD PnP Interoperability held in conjunction with CPS Week in San Francisco, CA
PCA safety and medical network demo at HIMSS09
MD PnP demo in TATRC booth at American Telemedicine Association (ATA) Annual Meeting
Technology demo of PCA safety (updated) at the Advanced Medical Technology Exposition at TATRC for U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command
Endorsement of medical device interoperability: American Medical Society (includes many component societies)
As a result of multi-institutional meetings convened by MD PnP, ASTM International publishes ICE Standard Part I (ASTM F2761-09), identifying key capabilities of a patient-centric integrated clinical environment
MD PnP/CIMIT/Continua Health Alliance co-sponsor FDA Workshop on Medical Device Interoperability: Achieving Safety & Effectiveness, focusing on the regulatory and safety pathway for networked medical device systems
MD PnP awarded $10M NIH/NIBIB Quantum U01 grant to develop a Prototype Healthcare Intranet for Improved Health Outcomes
MD PnP presents at booths for Military Health Service and Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT at HIMSS11
3rd Joint Workshop on HCMDSS and MD PnP Interoperability held in conjunction with CPS Week in Chicago, IL
MD PnP Interoperability Lab Open House with public demonstrations
Technology demo of integration of home health devices and PCA infusion pump in the ONC/SHARP booth at HIMSS12
VA endorses MD FIRE as part of Medical Device Interoperability Program (MDIP)
Researchers from MD PnP and DocBox, Inc. hold a workshop at the Society for Technology in Anesthesia Annual Meeting
MD PnP collaborates with DocBox, Inc. on a technology demonstration in the ONC area of the Interoperability Showcase at HIMSS13, New Orleans
MD PnP begins public sharing of software and artifacts through our SourceForge project, sourceforge.net/p/mdpnp
Subcontract awarded from DocBox to support continued development of an ICE platform
MD PnP team and collaborators held research demonstrations at NIH to demonstrate an open test bed for medical device interoperability being developed under the NIH/NIBIB U01 Quantum Medical Device Interoperability (QMDI) Project.
MD PnP Lab co-sponsored "How to Hack Healthcare" with H@cking Medicine, the Harvard iLab, and the INCOSE Biomedical & Healthcare Working Group.
MD PnP team presents a proposal at the White House to configure the Interoperability Lab to serve as a Virtual Hospital for the SmartAmerica CPS Test Bed Challenge
MD PnP participates in the SmartAmerica CPS Testbed Challenge, sponsored by the White House Presidential Innovation Fellows Sokwoo Rhee and Geoff Mulligan
As part of the ONC area of the HIMSS14 Interoperability Showcase, the MD PnP team holds a demonstration with technology partners DocBox and Intel, called “Real-Time Blue Button for Patients and Families.”
MD PnP Lab hosts a hackathon for the SmartAmerica Challenge group formed at the December 12, 2013 meeting at the White House, Closed-Loop Healthcare: from Home to Hospital to Home
FDA Pre-Submission supplement Q140327 for an Integrated Medical Device System is made publicly available
MD PnP participates in a collaborative demonstration of the Closed Loop HealthCare scenario and announces SmartAmerica MD PnP Healthcare App Challenge (SAMHAC).
Dr. Goldman is featured as a part of Smart America series showcasing National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers designing improved cyber-physical systems.
A NIST-launched endeavor facilitating partnerships to drive the creation of “smart cities” using Cyber-physical systems (CPS) – sometimes referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) – to connect smart devices and systems in fundamentally new ways.
MD PnP is awarded DoD grant to customize OpenICE interoperability platform to improve warfighter monitoring and treatment
Over a 20 day period, the MD PnP Program, with support by NIH/NIBIB, convened a group from government, academia and industry to prototype innovative approaches to improve patient care and reduce the risk of healthcare workers’ exposure to Ebola.
Boston Globe article, Friday, November 7th, “MGH team builds remote devices that could aid Ebola treatment“
The MD PnP Program hosted the Connected Care Testbed of the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC)
“Medical Device Interoperability for Improving Safety and Efficiency” panel at American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting
New 3200 sq ft MD PnP Lab breaks ground on May 24, 2017 6pm on the 5th floor of the same Mass General Brigham research building (Partners HealthCare at that time)
After 11 years in the original location at 65 Landsdowne St. Cambridge, MA, the original MD PnP lab has been relocated to a larger custom-built space on the 5th floor of the same Partners Healthcare building.
“Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, was awarded $950,000 to develop a medical device cybersecurity data repository. This repository, which will be developed through an effort titled “Healthcare Data Generation and Curation for Cybersecurity Analysis,”