American Medical Society endorses medical device interoperability
AMA Resolution H-480.953 Interoperability of Medical Devices
Our American Medical Association believes that intercommunication and interoperability of electronic medical devices could lead to important advances in patient safety and patient care, and that the standards and protocols to allow such seamless intercommunication should be developed fully with these advances in mind. Our AMA also recognizes that, as in all technological advances, interoperability poses safety and medico-legal challenges as well. The development of standards and production of interoperable equipment protocols should strike the proper balance to achieve optimum patient safety, efficiency, and outcome benefit while preserving incentives to ensure continuing innovation. (res. 519, A-09)
Note: The Missouri , Illinois, Indiana, New York, and Michigan State Medical Associations, and the Endocrine Society, American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, the Urology Society, and American College of Pathology all spoke in favor of this resolution.
Source: The AMA PolicyFinder database. Search on “medical device interoperability”. Also contained in this report.