MD PnP Press


March 2015 – The MD PnP Program will host the Connected Care Testbed of the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC)

November 2014 – Group convened by MD PnP demonstrates Ebola Response work. 
Boston Globe Article, Friday, November 7th, “MGH team builds remote devices that could aid Ebola treatment
WCVB TV story, “Local researches testing remote control Ebola care
Boston Herald article and video, “Doc eyes high-tech ways to fight Ebola
Boston Business Journal article, “Here’s how Mass. General created an ICU of the future

September 2014 – MD PnP participates in Global City Teams Challenge: SmartAmerica Round Two, a NIST-launched endeavor facilitating partnerships to drive the creation of “smart cities” using Cyber-physical systems (CPS) – sometimes referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) – to connect smart devices and systems in fundamentally new ways.

August 2014 – Dr. Goldman is featured as part of a Smart America series showcasing National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers designing improved cyberphysical systems.

June 2014 – White House hosted SmartAmerica Expo. MD PnP participated in a collaborative demonstration of the Closed Loop HealthCarescenario and announced SmartAmerica MD PnP Healthcare App Challenge(SAMHAC). Read about SmartAmerica on the White House blog, “SmartAmerica Challenge: Harnessing the Power of the Internet of Things

June 2014 – MD PnP & ViTel Net Collaborate to Support SmartAmerica Challenge 

May 2014 – Pre-Submission supplement Q140327 for an Integrated Medical Device System is made publicly available.

March 2014 – MD PnP Lab hosted a hackathon for the Smart America Challenge Group formed at the December 2013 meeting at the White House, Closed-Loop Healthcare: from Home to Hospital to Home

February 2014 – As part of the ONC area of the HIMSS14 Interoperability Showcase, the MD PnP team held a demonstration with technology partners DocBox and Intel, called “Real-Time Blue Button for Patients and Families.” The demo showed real-time transmission of patient data including vital signs, physiological waveforms, alarms, and bedside nursing assessments, all displayed on an Android tablet. Click the demo title for a video

January 2013 – Researchers from MD PnP and DocBox, Inc. held a workshop at the Society for Technology in Anesthesia Annual Meeting entitled A New, Open, Interoperable Medical Device Clinical Research Platform where participants learned how to implement the prototype software platform

December 2013 – MD PnP team presented a proposal at the White House to configure the Interoperability Lab to serve as a Virtual Hospital for the SmartAmerica CPS Test Bed Challenge. For the full proposal and details on this ongoing project, see our SmartAmerica page. 

November 2013 – MD PnP lab co-sponsored “How to Hack Healthcarewith H@cking Medicine, the Harvard i-Lab, and the INCOSE Biomedical & Healthcare Working Group. The event brought over 65 undergraduates together to learn about existing pain points in patient monitoring and opioid-induced respiratory depression. The students teamed up to develop possible solutions, under the mentorship of clinicians, engineers, and other healthcare industry professionals. 

August 2013 MD PnP team and collaborators held research demonstrations at NIH to demonstrate an open test bed for medical deviceinteroperability being developed under the NIH/NIBIB U01 Quantum Medical Device Interoperability (QMDI) Project 

July 2013Subcontract awarded from DocBox to support continued development of an ICE platform for FDA approval, including alpha-testing in the MGH critical care environment in concert with the Critical Care Center Informatics initiative

March 2013 – MD PnP collaborated with DocBox, Inc. on a technology demonstration in the ONC area of the Interoperability Showcase at HIMSS, New Orleans. Click here for a description of the demonstration, with photos and videos.

September 2012Recommendations from mHealth Task Force: Accelerating the adoption and use of mobile healthcare technologies
Earlier this year, the FCC convened a summit with industry leaders to discuss opportunities to accelerate the adoption and use of mobile health care technologies. Since then, participants have formed the “mHealth Task Force” to develop recommendations for industry and government action to harness the potential of mobile devices to improve health outcomes and lower costs of care.
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation held a panel discussion about the FCC mHealth Task Force, their findings and recommendations. The Task Force, led by Co-chairs Julian Goldman, Robert Jarrin and Douglas Trauner detailed the work performed by the Task Force to identify barriers and opportunities related to mobile health, wireless health and e-Care technologies.

See photos from the panel discussion, read the FCC press release, and mHealth Task Force recommendations.

August 2012HHS releases Meaningful Use Stage 2 requirements. 
In this Final Rule, HHS reasserted the use of accurate time and date stamping of EHR data:
(g) “Synchronized clocks. The date and time recorded utilize a system clock that has been synchronized following (RFC 1305) Network TimeProtocol, (incorporated by reference in § 170.299) or (RFC 5905) Network Time Protocol Version 4, (incorporated by reference in § 170.299).”
For convenience, we compiled several of the 45 CFR 170 references to synchronized clocks in this document.

June 2012 – Dr. Goldman presents at AAMI Clinical Engineering Symposium: Clinical Engineering and Healthcare Technology Management’s Impact on Clinical Outcomes (presented by ACCE), “Physician’s Perspective on Past, Present, and Future CE/HTM Impact from Vision to Implementation


June 2012 – VA endorses MD FIRE as part of Medical Device Interoperability Program (MDIP) 

October 2010MD PnP Program is awarded $10M grant from NIH/NIBIB to develop a prototype healthcare intranet for improved health outcomes

July 2010 – Dr. Goldman receives Pioneer Award from International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) for demonstrating extraordinary leadership in the advancement of the state-of-the-art and practice of systems engineering in the biomedical and healthcare fields

December 2009 – ASTM International publishes ICE Standard (ASTM 2761)

September 2009 – ASTM Standardization News article on the new ASTM F2761 standard on the “Patient-centric Integrated Clinical Environment,” or ICE

June 2009 – American Medical Society endorses medical device interoperability 

June 2009 – Dr. Goldman receives Health Care Clinical Application Award from AAMI Foundation/ Institute for Technology for work on medical device interoperability

October 2008 – Scientific Exhibit at the American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting on “MD FIRE” – Medical Device Free Interoperability Requirements for the Enterprise 

ASA Scientific Exhibit handout 

More information and the complete document are available at MD FIRE 

July 2008 – World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists endorses medical device interoperability

The WFSA, which has 122 member societies worldwide, stated that “intercommunication and interoperability of devices could lead to important advances in patient safety.”

November, 2007 – MD PnP team is recognized with the CIMIT Edward M Kennedy award for Healthcare Innovation

Sen. Kennedy wrote “I congratulate Dr. Goldman and the entire Plug-and-Play team for their outstanding contributions to operating room safety, and for providing another example of the importance of the partnership approach to research and development that CIMIT collaborators have pioneered.”

October 2007 – American Society of Anesthesiologists honors MD PnP Scientific Exhibit award for First Place
Exhibit Title: Improving the Safety of PCA Opioid Infusions by Integrating Patient Monitors and Infusion Pumps 
Presenters: Julian M Goldman, MD, Michael W Jopling, MD, Frank J Overdyk, MD, Sandy Weininger, PhD, David Arney, PhD, Insup Lee, PhD, Susan F Whitehead, BS, Philippe-Antoine Cortes, ME, Shankar Krishnan, PhD
In addition to a demonstration, four posters were displayed.

See the story in ASA Newsletter V72 January 2008 

Download poster 1, poster 2, poster 3, and poster 4 

In the ASA exhibit we demonstrated that medical device interoperability standards and technology could be used to integrate monitors and PCA pumps to reduce the risks of respiratory complications from postoperative opioids. The prototype system used SpO2 and respiratory rate to detect the onset of respiratory depression, automatically stop the PCA basal infusion, lock out bolus administration, and activate the nurse call system. This approach supports the APSF recommendations to reduce the risks of respiratory complications from postoperative opioids (as described in the Winter 2006/2007 APSF Newsletter).
The exhibit also emphasized that the use of more that one type of monitor (“orthogonal measurements”) to assess respiratory function (for example, pulse oximetry and capnography), may increase the reliability of problem detection (achieving high sensitivity) while reducing false alarms (achieving high specificity).

September 2007 – Video uploaded from the June 2007 Joint Workshop on High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, & Systems (HCMDSS) and Medical Device Plug-and-Play (MD PnP) Interoperability

See most of the sessions presented at the three-day conference 

February 2007 – HIMSS MD PnP Exhibit
Clinical use case demonstrations by our lab and by University of New Hampshire 

Exhibit Handout

Dr. Goldman’s View from the Top lecture slides about the OR of the Future

October 2006 – “Medical Device Interoperability for Improving Safety and Efficiency” panel at American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting
The January 2007 issue of Anesthesiology News has a story about the ASA panel.

Topics and speakers:

  • Session overview and introductions (Julian Goldman, MD/MD PnP Program)
  • Welcome: Committee on EMIT focus on interoperability (Keith Ruskin, MD/Chair ASA Committee on Electronic Media and IT)
  • Can interoperability support improvements in patient safety? (Jeff Cooper, PhD/Co-Founder Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation)
  • Recent advances in achieving interoperability: the MD PnP Program (Goldman)
  • What Interoperability Means for Anesthesiologists: A view from The Hill (Bill Horton, MD/ASA Congressional Fellow)
  • What drives the adoption of New Technology? (Donald Martin, MD/Chair ASA Committee on Equipment and Facilities)
  • Using Interoperability to Support Clinical Requirements (Sandy Weininger, PhD/FDA)

Full session details can be downloaded here.

October 2006 – American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2006 
Scientific Exhibit #S01: Medical Device Plug-and-Play Connectivity conveyed the safety improvements that are achievable through medical device interoperability and demonstrated one of the clinical scenarios (or “use cases”) collected at the Society for Technology in Anesthesia 2005 meeting session on interoperability: The connection of a portable x-ray machine and anesthesia ventilator to synchronize the x-ray exposure with the desired phase of respiration. 

ASA 2006 booklet describing the content of the ASA exhibit, including reproductions of all posters may be downloaded in 3 PDF files:

MDPnP Booklet February 2007 p1-21.pdf (11 Mgb)

MDPnP Booklet February 2007 p22.pdf (8 Mgb)

MDPnP Booklet February 2007 p23-29.pdf (8 Mgb)

July 2006 – 10th Global Harmonization Task Force, Lubeck, Germany
Poster entitled “The OR-FUSION project: Towards an open platform concept for networked medical devices” 
J.-Uwe Meyer and Julian Goldman
Received an award for 2nd place at the Global Harmonization Task Force conference

May 24, 2006 – The MD PnP Lab opens!  
See Our Lab for more information

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