Remote Control


NETCCN National Emergency Tele-Critical Care Network Date: 2021-2023Collaborators: TATRC/DoD, MITRE, HHS/ASPR Disasters Stress Healthcare System Infrastructure, Resources, and Staff Problem: Locations without ICU beds do not

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Ebola Response

Ebola Response Date: November 6, 2014Collaborators: Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard Medical School (HMS), FDA / CDRH, FCC, Intel, GE, US Critical Illness and Injury

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OpenICE – Open-Source ICE Reference Implementation The MD PnP Program developed an open-source reference implementation of the Integrated Clinical Environment (ICE) standard, AAMI 2700-1 (previously

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CSR (Clinical Scenario Repository) The CSR is a tool to elicit and document clinical situations in which improved technologies – especially those enabled through Integrated

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