National Emergency Tele-Critical Care Network

Date: 2021-2023
Collaborators: TATRC/DoD, MITRE, HHS/ASPR
Disasters Stress Healthcare System Infrastructure, Resources, and Staff
Locations without ICU beds do not have clinicians who know how to use ventilators – even if they become available. Necessary is a simple, consistent means to reliably and effectively support people who deliver critical care.
BarbashIan et al. NEJM Catalyst (2020)
NETCCN solves this problem by linking remote critical care expertise to frontline clinicians using secure, HIPAA compliant applications on mobile devices.
3 NETCCN teams have deployed in the Public Health Emergency (PHE) to 34 hospitals in 14 states or territories and provided care for almost 5000 patient days.
“Technology in Disaster Environments “- technologies, such as remote data access, remote medical device control, and clinical decision support enable new NETCCN capabilities.
Trajectory of the NETCCN/TiDE portfolio:
- March – May 2020 – Research portfolio inception
- December 2021 – First technology demonstration of NETCCN smartphone apps, remote control of ventilators and infusion pumps, pervasive interoperable data infrastructure
- August 10, 2022 – CPAM – Cross Platform Application Module pervasive interoperable data pipeline for Virtual Critical Care operations and analytics
- November 18, 2022 – Final technology demonstration includes management of patients from a mass casualty event. Initially patients are cared for in a Medical Field Hospital Role II at Ft. Detrick, transported by UAV, and arrive at a hospital. Remote-controlled medical devices and virtual critical care are used for patient care and to automatically document care. Video and Slides are available.
TATRC / MITRE Device Interoperability and Autonomy Coordinating Center (DIACC)
The DIACC was an important convening and collaboration vehicle to advance the goals of the TiDE initiative. Learn more here.
See the videos and PDFs of the demonstrations on this page.